Quantum, Komprise Partner to Simplify Management of Large Unstructured Data Sets (HITS)
Quantum and Komprise have announced a joint solution which enables organizations to seamlessly integrate archive storage into their active workflows to cope with exponential data growth within tight budgets. The combination of Komprise data management software and services with Quantum Lattus® object storage or Artico™ active archive solutions delivers scalable capacity and automated data movement without disrupting users or applications. The joint solution includes embedded ROI analysis to provide insights to users about when investments in new storage will meet specific ROI targets. This is the first scale-out data management solution that runs as a service, and it can help customers save 70 percent or more of the cost of storing, protecting and accessing data.
Fighting a Common Enemy: Data Sprawl
To address the management challenges posed by massive data growth under flat budgets, Quantum and Komprise have united scale-out efficiency with modern simplicity, on-demand scalability and data-aware automation.
Quantum Lattus object storage delivers cost-efficient capacity, data protection and resiliency with a simple-to-operate, simple-to-scale private cloud architecture. Artico is a self-protecting, active archive appliance that automates tiering to tape, private cloud and public cloud via user-definable policies to deliver the optimal combination of data access, performance and storage cost.
Komprise data management software transparently manages data across storage infrastructures. It extends existing primary storage by automatically and continuously identifying and moving less active data to Quantum’s capacity storage — transparent to users and applications, which continue to access the moved files without any changes in their processes. Komprise deploys in minutes as a virtual appliance — no agents, complex configurations or special hardware required.
15-Minute Assessment Can Reveal Significant Savings
Komprise offers insights into data composition and growth across existing storage. In just 15 minutes, customers can install a Komprise virtual appliance, learn how data is growing and being used across existing storage, interactively model data movement policies and understand the ROI of moving less active data to Quantum storage. Users can efficiently store terabytes to petabytes of unstructured data files at a fraction of the cost of cloud storage or primary spinning disk.